WordPress Post Approval Email Notification

Learn how to create a WordPress email notification system for post approvals. Customize email templates, support multiple post types, and improve user engagement with this developer-friendly guide.

How to Add Page Template from Your Plugin

Add custom page template from your plugin with simple code snippet.

Preventing Duplicate Email Submissions in Elementor Pro Forms

Prevent users from submitting the same email multiple times in an Elementor Pro form with this simple code.

Add custom Elementor widgets in the Hello child theme

learn how to add custom Elementor widgets to the Hello child theme.

Adding and Removing Class Based on Element Visibility in the Viewport

Add class on element if it come in view and remove not in view

Enabling Guest Checkout in WooCommerce: Bypassing Email Verification for Order Payment

Enable guest payment, bypass email verification. Enhance user experience, boost conversions. Easy, efficient, and customer-friendly solution

Making Specific Products Unpurchasable or purchasable for a specific date in WooCommerce

How to make specific products not purchasable in WooCommerce using code.

WooCommerce Custom Order Dropdown Based on Payment Method

WooCommerce admin order page custom drop-down base on payment method & show order admin column with code only

Sequential Fading jQuery Text Animation

This code animates text using jQuery, creating a seamless, captivating effect with elegant fades, enhancing user engagement and enriching web design.

Customizing WooCommerce Order Numbers with Prefix and Year Suffix

Customize WooCommerce order numbers your way, whether you prefer code or a plugin. Add unique prefixes and dynamic year-based suffixes effortlessly. Make your store’s orders truly yours!

How to Implement Google Ads Conversion Tracking in WooCommerce

Learn how to add Google Ads tracking code to your WooCommerce thank you page effortlessly, without the need for plugins.

Random slide order in slick sider

Change slick carousel slide order randomly

Implementing WooCommerce Shop Page Quantity Input and Plus (+) Minus (-) Button with simple Code

Enhance the user experience on your WooCommerce website by adding quantity plus minus buttons and a quantity option on the shop page.

Allow Only Business Email Addresses in the Email Field of Elementor Forms

Find out how to restrict email fields in Elementor forms to business emails only. Improve form data quality by blocking free email domains like Gmail and Yahoo.

Change WordPress URL in Database with phpMyAdmin and SQL query

Replace WordPress old URL to new URL with SQL Query

Create a new WordPress administrator via functions.php & FTP

Sometimes, you might need to create an administrator account in WordPress without being able to access the admin dashboard. This could be because you have lost access to your site’s admin panel or when troubleshooting a client’s website. In this tutorial, we will show you how to programmatically add a WordPress administrator account using the […]

Add an additional custom checkbox in the WooCommerce checkout

Add an additional custom checkbox after the terms and conditions in WooCommerce checkout we can use WooCommerce

WooCommerce Ajax Product Search and Category Filter Without Plugin

WooCommerce Ajax Product Search with Category Filter. Simple code, without any plugin.

Replace add to cart button with the product page link & Change add to cart text

`Replace add to cart button with product single linked to product page on shop pages in WooCommerce 3

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