Others Code Snippets | Code With Mukto
Code with Mukto - Essential Code Snippet For Web Developers


Others Code Snippets can refer to a variety of short pieces of code that can be used to enhance the functionality, appearance, or behavior of a website. These snippets may be written in various programming languages, including but not limited to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, and Python. Other Code Snippets may be used to add custom features, modify existing functionality, or integrate with external services or APIs. They can be added to different parts of a website, such as theme files, plugin files, or individual pages. With Other Code Snippets, website designers and developers can extend the capabilities of their website, creating a more personalized and efficient user experience.

Others Code Snippets

Filter custom post type by Custom Field (ACF) in the admin area

Show filter on custom post type admin area with custom field value

View code - data-lazy-src="https://code.mukto.info/wp-content/themes/mukto/assets/img/arrow.svg"><noscript><img width="11" height="10"

Elementor text editor Typography Issue [solution]

Elementor text editor Typography Issue [solution] Font size, color, line height issue fixed

View code - data-lazy-src="https://code.mukto.info/wp-content/themes/mukto/assets/img/arrow.svg"><noscript><img width="11" height="10"

Upload file in hosting server via CPanel corn job

File transfer with Cpanel Cron job. Transfer file super fast

View code - data-lazy-src="https://code.mukto.info/wp-content/themes/mukto/assets/img/arrow.svg"><noscript><img width="11" height="10"

Enable Leverage browser caching & Compression

To speed up your website and get good score, Enable Leverage browser caching & Compression

View code - data-lazy-src="https://code.mukto.info/wp-content/themes/mukto/assets/img/arrow.svg"><noscript><img width="11" height="10"