Random Slide Order In Slick Sider | Code For Developers

Random slide order in slick sider

Change slick carousel slide order randomly

I am going to show how we can randomize slick slider order so that every time the page refreshes slide shows differently.

Our old slider activation code is something like this

slick slider normal code
	dots: false,
	infinite: true,
	speed: 300,
	slidesToShow: 1,
	slidesToScroll: 1,
	autoplay: true,
	autoplaySpeed: 3000,
	arrows: false,
	fade: true,
	cssEase: 'linear',
	pauseOnHover: false

Now, we are going to add a magic spell. Thanks to zexeder for this gist

$.fn.randomize = function (selector) {
	var $elems = selector ? $(this).find(selector) : $(this).children(),
		$parents = $elems.parent();

	$parents.each(function () {
		$(this).children(selector).sort(function (childA, childB) {
			// * Prevent last slide from being reordered
			if($(childB).index() !== $(this).children(selector).length - 1) {
				return Math.round(Math.random()) - 0.5;

	return this;

Now our final code will be look like this

full code for random slide
$.fn.randomize = function (selector) {
	var $elems = selector ? $(this).find(selector) : $(this).children(),
		$parents = $elems.parent();

	$parents.each(function () {
		$(this).children(selector).sort(function (childA, childB) {
			// * Prevent last slide from being reordered
			if($(childB).index() !== $(this).children(selector).length - 1) {
				return Math.round(Math.random()) - 0.5;

	return this;
// adding randomize() function before slider active
	dots: false,
	infinite: true,
	speed: 300,
	slidesToShow: 1,
	slidesToScroll: 1,
	autoplay: true,
	autoplaySpeed: 3000,
	arrows: false,
	fade: true,
	cssEase: 'linear',
	pauseOnHover: false
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